
Choosing the right approach: SSR vs SSG in modern web development

Adam Kanigowski
12 min read
A man sitting in front off two monitors with lines of code, smiling

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, choosing the right rendering approach can significantly impact your application’s performance, user experience, and search engine optimization. Two popular techniques that have gained traction in recent years are Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG). This comprehensive guide will explore the differences between SSR vs SSG, their benefits, and when to use each approach in your next web development project.


As web applications become increasingly complex, developers face the challenge of delivering fast, interactive, and SEO-friendly experiences. The debate between SSG vs SSR has become a hot topic in the web development community, with frameworks like Next.js offering support for both approaches. Whether you’re building a simple marketing site or a complex e-commerce platform, understanding the nuances of SSR vs SSG and Next.js SSR vs SSG is crucial for making informed decisions about your project’s architecture.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of server-side rendering and static site generation, exploring their inner workings, benefits, and ideal use cases. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of when to use SSR or SSG in your web development projects, and how frameworks like Next.js can help you implement these strategies effectively.

What is SSG? Explaining static site generation

Static Site Generation (SSG) is a powerful approach to building websites that has gained popularity in recent years. But what exactly is SSG, and how does it work?

Understanding static sites

Before we delve into SSG, let’s first understand what a static site is in general. A static site is a website composed of pre-built HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Unlike dynamic websites that generate content on-the-fly, static sites serve pre-rendered pages to users. This approach results in blazing-fast load times and improved security, as there’s no server-side processing required for each request.

The SSG build process

Static Site Generation takes the concept of static sites to the next level by automating the process of creating these pre-rendered pages. Here’s how the SSG build process typically works:

  1. Content preparation: Developers create content using markdown files, headless CMS, or other data sources.
  2. Build trigger: The SSG tool is run, either manually or through an automated process.
  3. Data fetching: The SSG tool fetches data from the specified sources.
  4. Page generation: Using predefined templates and the fetched data, the SSG tool generates HTML pages for each route in the application.
  5. Asset optimization: CSS, JavaScript, and other assets are processed and optimized.
  6. Output: The final result is a set of static files ready to be deployed to a web server or CDN.

SSG benefits

Static Site Generation offers several advantages that make it an attractive option for many web projects:

  1. Lightning-fast performance: Since pages are pre-rendered, they can be served instantly to users, resulting in excellent loading speeds.
  2. Improved SEO: Search engines can easily crawl and index static HTML pages, potentially boosting your site’s search rankings.
  3. Enhanced security: With no server-side processing required, SSG sites are less vulnerable to common web attacks.
  4. Scalability: Static files can be easily distributed across multiple CDNs, allowing your site to handle high traffic loads effortlessly.
  5. Lower hosting costs: Static files are cheap to host and require minimal server resources.

These SSG benefits make it an appealing choice for many developers and businesses alike.

Limitations of SSG

While SSG offers numerous benefits, it’s not without its limitations:

  1. Build time: For large sites with thousands of pages, the build process can be time-consuming.
  2. Dynamic content: SSG is less suitable for sites that require real-time data or frequent content updates.
  3. User-specific content: Personalized content based on user interactions is challenging to implement with pure SSG.

Understanding these pros and cons is crucial when deciding whether to use SSG for your web development project.

Understanding SSR: how server side rendering works?

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is another popular approach in modern web development, offering a different set of benefits and trade-offs compared to SSG. Let’s explore how SSR works and its implications for web applications.

What is SSR?

Server-Side Rendering refers to the process of generating HTML content on the server in response to a client request. Instead of sending a bare-bones HTML file and relying on client-side JavaScript to render the content, SSR prepares a fully-rendered HTML page on the server and sends it to the client.

How does SSR work?

The SSR process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Client request: A user’s browser sends a request to the server for a specific page.
  2. Server processing: The server receives the request and starts processing it.
  3. Data fetching: The server fetches any necessary data from databases or external APIs.
  4. HTML generation: Using the fetched data and application logic, the server generates a complete HTML document.
  5. Initial page load: The server sends the fully-rendered HTML to the client, which can be immediately displayed in the browser.
  6. Hydration: Once the JavaScript bundles are loaded, the application becomes interactive, and subsequent navigation can be handled client-side.

The delay in rendering without page caching

One important aspect of SSR to note is the potential delay in rendering a page on the server without page caching. Since the server needs to fetch data and generate HTML for each request, there can be a slight delay in the initial response. This is particularly noticeable for complex pages or when dealing with slow data sources.

To mitigate this issue, many SSR frameworks and servers implement caching strategies to store and reuse generated HTML for subsequent requests, significantly reducing response times for popular pages.

SSR frameworks

Several popular SSR frameworks support server side rendering:

  1. Next.js: A React-based framework that provides built-in SSR capabilities.
  2. Nuxt.js: Similar to Next.js, but for Vue.js applications.
  3. Angular Universal: The SSR solution for Angular applications.
  4. Express.js with React or Vue: Custom SSR setups using Node.js and popular front-end libraries.

These frameworks simplify the implementation of SSR by providing the necessary tools and abstractions to handle server-side rendering efficiently.

Evaluating the benefits: SSR vs SSG

Now that we’ve explored both Static Site Generation and Server-Side Rendering, let’s compare their benefits to help you make an informed decision for your web development project.

SSG benefits

The SSG benefits include:

  1. Fastest server response: SSG provides the fastest possible server response, as pages are served immediately without any on-the-fly processing.
  2. Reduced server load: Since pages are pre-generated, there’s minimal server processing required for each request.
  3. Excellent caching: Static files can be easily cached at the CDN level, further improving performance.
  4. Consistency: All users receive the same pre-rendered content, ensuring a consistent experience.

SSR benefits

The benefits of SSR include:

  1. Real-time data: SSR can incorporate the latest data into the rendered page, making it suitable for dynamic content.
  2. Personalization: Server-side rendering allows for user-specific content to be included in the initial page load.
  3. Flexible content updates: Changes to content can be reflected immediately without requiring a full site rebuild.
  4. SEO for dynamic content: SSR ensures that search engines can crawl and index frequently updated content.

These SSR benefits make it an attractive option for many web applications.

Comparing SSR and SSG performance

When it comes to performance, both SSR and SSG have their strengths:

  • SSG excels in initial page load times, as pre-rendered content can be served instantly.
  • SSR may have a slight delay in the first server response due to data fetching and HTML generation. However, subsequent server responses can be faster if proper caching is implemented.

The benefits of SSR in terms of performance include the ability to serve dynamic content quickly, while SSG benefits from consistently fast load times for static content.

Scalability considerations

  • SSG: Can handle a very large number of pages efficiently, as all pages are pre-rendered during the build process.
  • SSR: While it can also handle many pages, the server load increases with the number of requests. However, SSR can be scaled horizontally by adding more server instances.

SEO implications

Both SSR and SSG offer SEO benefits by providing fully-rendered HTML to search engine crawlers. However:

  • SSG is ideal for content that doesn’t change frequently.
  • SSR is better suited for sites with rapidly changing content that needs to be indexed quickly.

The SSR benefits for SEO include the ability to serve fresh content to search engines, while SSG benefits from consistently optimized static pages.

By understanding these differences in SSR vs SSG performance, scalability, and SEO implications, you can make a more informed decision about which approach best suits your project’s needs.

When to Use SSR in Web Development?

Choosing between SSR and SSG depends on your project’s specific requirements. Here are some guidelines to help you decide when to use server side rendering in web development:

Use SSR when:

  1. You have a large number of pages: SSR is beneficial when your system has many pages, such as an e-commerce site with numerous products or a large blog with frequently updated content.
  2. Real-time data is crucial: If your application relies on up-to-the-minute data that changes frequently, SSR allows you to fetch and render this data for each request.
  3. Personalization is important: For applications that require user-specific content on the initial page load, SSR enables you to include personalized data in the server-rendered HTML.
  4. SEO for dynamic content is a priority: If your site has content that updates frequently and needs to be indexed quickly by search engines, SSR ensures that the latest content is always available to crawlers.
  5. Complex interactivity is required: For applications with complex state management and user interactions, SSR can provide a better initial load experience while still allowing for rich client-side functionality.

Use SSG when:

  1. Your site has a limited number of pages: SSG is ideal when the number of pages in your system does not exceed 300, such as for a web application, company website, or landing page.
  2. Content updates are infrequent: If your content doesn’t change often, SSG allows you to generate pages at build time and serve them efficiently.
  3. Maximum performance is required: For sites where every millisecond of load time matters, SSG provides the fastest possible initial page load.
  4. You have limited server resources: SSG reduces server load by serving pre-rendered pages, making it suitable for projects with constrained server resources.

Considering a hybrid approach

In many cases, a hybrid approach combining both SSR and SSG can provide the best of both worlds:

  1. Use SSG for static pages: Implement SSG for pages with relatively static content, such as login/registration pages, about pages, or product category pages.
  2. Use SSR for dynamic content: Employ SSR for pages that require real-time data or personalization, such as individual blog articles, product pages, or user dashboards.
  3. Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR): Some frameworks, like Next.js, offer ISR, which allows you to use SSG with the ability to update specific pages on-demand or at set intervals, combining the benefits of both approaches.

By carefully considering your project’s requirements and the strengths of each approach, you can create a web application that delivers optimal performance, SEO benefits, and user experience.


Choosing between SSR and SSG in modern web development is not a one-size-fits-all decision. Both approaches offer unique benefits and are suited to different types of projects. By understanding the strengths and limitations of SSR vs SSG, and considering factors like Next.js SSR vs SSG, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project’s goals, whether it’s blazing-fast performance, real-time data updates, or a balance of both.

Remember that the landscape of web development is constantly evolving, with frameworks like Next.js continually improving and offering new features that bridge the gap between SSR and SSG. Stay informed about the latest developments in this space, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches to find the perfect solution for your web application.

Ultimately, the choice between SSR and SSG should be driven by your project’s specific requirements, your target audience’s needs, and your development team’s expertise. By carefully weighing these factors and applying the guidelines discussed in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to make the right choice and build a successful, high-performing web application.

Take Your Web Development to the Next Level with

Navigating the complexities of SSR vs SSG and implementing the right solution for your project can be challenging. That’s where the expert team at comes in. With years of experience in modern web development techniques, including Next.js SSR vs SSG implementations, our skilled developers can help you make the right choice and build a high-performing, SEO-friendly web application tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to optimize an existing site or build a new project from the ground up, has the expertise to deliver results that exceed your expectations. Don’t let indecision hold your project back – take action now and elevate your web presence. Contact today for a free consultation and discover how we can transform your web development journey. Let’s build something amazing together!

Adam Kanigowski
Frontend Developer

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