SWPS University: from global reach to streamlined internal workflows with a robust, mobile-centric admissions platform

The need
reduce internal workload of its Admissions Office by making a larger part of the process doable by the candidates themselves.

The solution
Together with the SWPS Admissions Office we, as a part of KERRIS Group, created a modern, mobile-friendly admissions portal, allowing the candidates from all over the world to easily apply – even on the go! While keeping the user side nice and easy, we implemented a lot of powerful features behind the scenes, to make sure that our Customer has a future-proof solution able to handle any and all future admissions. Some of those features are:
• Customized admissions processes
• Electronic contract service
• Managing admissions via Salesforce
• Dedicated solutions for student brokers
• Monitoring of admission status
• Admission form handling system
• Assigning candidates to language groups based on their language test results (Moodle)
• Scheduling admission interviews online
The result
A modern, mobile-friendly admissions portal used by over 16 000 candidates per year while significantly reduced internal workload of the Admissions Office.