
The Forest Forever Foundation: empowering conservation with an interactive, story-driven website

Client overview

The Forest Forever Foundation has been dedicated to planting and protecting forests in Poland for over five years. The organization’s mission is to safeguard mature forests and cultivate new ones to ensure that future generations experience the natural beauty of the Polish wilderness. To advance its cause, the Foundation initiated the Polish Preservation Project, a groundbreaking effort to create the first socially-driven, community-protected forest area. This project was executed in partnership with Tech To The Rescue, an organization that connects with non-profits to create impactful digital solutions.


The Forest Forever Foundation approached our team with the goal of creating a visually appealing, engaging, and trustworthy website to support the Polish Preservation Project. The site needed to effectively communicate the project’s mission and attract potential benefactors. 

Key challenges included:

  • Designing a one-page website that would present the project clearly and credibly to attract donors.
  • Ensuring a captivating user experience with compelling visuals, interactive features, and storytelling elements.

Scope of Work

To address these needs, our team undertook a multi-faceted approach, which included the following services:

  • Key Visual Creation: Developing the visual identity that would capture the essence of the project and the foundation’s mission.
  • UX / UI Design: Crafting a smooth and intuitive user interface that guides visitors through the story of the Polish Preservation Project.
  • 3D Animation: Incorporating 3D animations to bring the natural beauty of the Polish forests to life on screen.
  • Development: Building a responsive, fast-loading, and interactive website using Webflow.


We approached the Polish Preservation Project with a blend of creativity and cutting-edge technology, delivering an outstanding result that fulfilled the client’s needs.

Our solution highlights included:

  • Collaboration Between Creative and Technical Teams: We combined the expertise of an Art Director and a Product Designer, whose partnership resulted in a visually stunning and user-friendly website.
  • Storytelling and User Journey: A structured narrative was developed to guide users through the mission and vision of the Polish Preservation Project. The content flows seamlessly, engaging users while informing them about the importance of forest preservation.
  • Authentic Content: We used original photos and videos from Polish forests, immersing users in the project’s environment and creating an emotional connection with the cause. The site features subtle audio elements from nature to heighten the user’s connection to the project and the forest environment.
  • Interactive Elements: We incorporated animated elements, parallax effects, and hover interactions to increase user engagement and create a dynamic experience that stands out from traditional static websites.
  • Prototype Development: An animated prototype was created to reflect the website’s final look and functionality. This helped the client visualize the end product and offer precise feedback before the final development stage, reducing miscommunication and development delays.
  • Webflow for Speed and Responsiveness: We selected Webflow as the development platform, which ensured a smooth and rapid implementation process while guaranteeing that the site would be fully responsive on all devices.

Tools Used

  • Figma for UX/UI design and prototyping
  • Lottie for lightweight animations
  • Principle for creating animated prototypes
  • Cinema 4D and Redshift for 3D animations
  • Webflow for development and deployment


The Polish Preservation Project website has successfully established itself as an interactive platform that connects the non-profit organization with donors. Key outcomes included:

  • A Digital Bridge: The website serves as a contact point for generating leads and expanding the foundation’s network of contributors.
  • Increased Credibility: The professional design and storytelling effectively communicate the foundation’s mission and vision, building trust with potential donors.
  • Doing Good for the Planet: By supporting the Forest Forever Foundation, we were able to contribute to a noble cause that positively impacts the environment, demonstrating the potential of technology to drive social good.

This project exemplifies the power of merging marketing and technology to create digital solutions that inspire action and foster environmental sustainability.

See the project here

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