Pozamiatane: revolutionizing Poland’s cleaning sector with a pioneering transactional platform

The need
To create an innovative start-up that will revolutionize the cleaning service sector in Poland.

The solution
A highly efficient transactional platform that connects clients with cleaners. Allows automate the ordering process for a cleaning service, supporting a wide range of payment methods. Integrated with:
• custom CRM
• finance administration tool
• payment gateways
• Elavon / Przelewy24
The result
• #1 position on Polish online cleaning B2C market,
• Acquisition of cleaning materials distributor (price payback = 11 months),
• 7.500+ cleaners verified in the recruitment process,
• 10x order volume growth between 2016 – 2019,
• Excellent quality cleaning standards and attention to detail have translated into many Partnerships, including: Innogy, Lafarge, Aviva, PZU Pomoc, VISA, Virgin Mobile.
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